Monday, January 21, 2013

There Is An App For That!

Social media is on a rampage for our attention. We truly live in a digitized world. This is how many (including me) are connecting and making the world we live in small, approachable, and knowable. We are living is a digital state of mind. It is interesting that I find myself visiting a restaurant website and read Yahoo for reviews before visiting the location. I view virtual tours of specific places online before going on vacation. Also, before I purchase a product, I am looking on Amazon and other sites for the better deal. How about you? Are you seeking online for answers? 
Recently, the "app" has come into my life. I have a android smart phone and I am learning on using "the apps".
The abbreviation "App" means application. There are over 700,000 "apps" for i-phone and android smartphones. What is interesting is these apps can assist us with most any task in life. However, the app cannot make you do anything. 
I am currently in a sermon series "There Is An App for That!" For those of us that use "apps" that is a true statement. There is an "app" for most anything. I am encouraging us to use tools like "apps" that can be helpful to fulfill a task. As Christians we may use a "spiritual app" to assist us in our Christian development. However just to remind us, we need the Holy Spirit to help motivate us (ex. Love and Courage) to do the task or purposes of God in our lives. 
What say you? How do you apply the Word to your life? Perhaps, what app has been helpful? Can God transform you using an "app"?
Pastor Mark

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